Exhibitions and Projects

Opening. Freelands Foundation, Camden London
Fully Awake.
Freelands Foundation, 113 Regent's Park Road, London
6 September - 3 November 2019
Fully Awake 5.6 is an exhibition that explores new ways to understand the development and variety of contemporary British painting.

Re-animated Postcard. Two Boys.
Curated by Ian Hartshorne and Sean Kaye, Fully Awake 5.6 is an exhibition that explores new ways to understand the development and variety of contemporary British painting. It offers an accessible but critically rigorous platform for audiences to better understand the impact that different generations of artists have upon one another. The exhibition embraces an intergenerational approach to celebrating the practice and teaching of painting, by including artists from a broad range of backgrounds and styles.
In total 72 artists who teach painting in the UK will have been invited to select one artist they had taught and one who had taught them to exhibit alongside each other. By taking this perspective the public has the opportunity to view a lineage of influence among artists that is not normally seen.
This exhibition featured work by Mike Knowles, Vincent Lavell and Jay Chesterman.